The government has announcement that England will be subject to a four week lockdown from the 5th November. Accordingly, The National Youth Agency has changed the readiness level for the youth sector to Red.
This decision by the Government means that there can no longer be any face-to-face activity with young people or adult volunteers.
As a result, from the 5th of November until the end of the lockdown period, Dringhouses Scouts will not be meeting face-to-face. We’re currently reviewing the programmes we had planned and will be starting online meetings again. We understand that not all of our membership enjoy online meetings, so we a are also looking at some exciting alternatives.
While our leaders, who are all volunteers, re-plan the rest of the term we do have a favour to ask of all the parents, children and young people in the Group: do you have any suggestions for what to do during this period, they can be as simple or complex as you like, but we’d really like to involve you in programme planning, as we bet you’ll have some great ideas! Please reach out to your section leader or use the contact form on our website to send us your thoughts.
For more details on all our COVID-19 related policies, procedures and updates please see this page on our website
Hi Dave, maybe bake something if ingredients were sent out in advance, like biscuits or flapjack etc, you could maybe give instructions over zoom and the cubs do it at home at the same time? If I think of anything else I’ll let you know, cheers
Great idea John. Theres a wonderful company called little brown box cakes that happens to be run by Isaac’s mum that has everything in place to do this already…!!
Hi Dave thanks for the message- Mikey wasn’t one for online scouting but he has loved the 100%outdoor Schedule of explorers of late. We’ve enjoyed watching loads of taskmaster during lockdown- eg- build the tallest tower of 10 lemons using only 3 knife cuts….- just to add to the ideas box!! Also love baking idea. Thanks for all your help u folks!
How about a walking challenge? I think we are still being encouraged to ensure we can stay active during the lockdown. I’ve just checked on the New National Restrictions guidance and it doesn’t actually cover it!!! But, we could encourage our children to go on a walk and record how far they walked each day (this could include walking to school etc..) . These then add up to a combined total… the aim to walk a marathon, or some other set distance. It would have to be based on honesty etc…
They could come to their meetings and have their turn at saying where they walked and how far etc.. Share ideas for how they could make ‘a walk with the family’ more interesting 🙂
Hi. The taskmaster idea gets the thumbs up here. We also thought how about getting the scouts to make up some riddles to then see if the troop can work them out? We also wondered about a “taste test” evening, the leaders ask the scouts to get 3 types/brands of a food (cheese, chocolate, fruit…?) Then taste them and mark on texture, sweetness/softness…etc? Hope those ideas help.
You’ve been doing a great job during such difficult times, and I agree the outside events have been a hit with Thomas.
So here’s a few of my off line ideas …..
Task master type activities would be awesome as if you watch the programme most challenges use “round the house” equipment and can be made as simple or complex to suit different ages. They do team challenges too which could be for the whole family !
Challenges like can you climb Up and down the minster tower steps – we did this in last lockdown . You can find the number or steps on line and then walk up and down your stairs at home.
Something astronomy related as the dark nights are here ? Star gazing on the Knavesmire or garden stargazing ??
Origami activities at home – could the group make an origami zoo ?
Younger members might like a challenge to make a picture / sculpture in a forest or woods so other people out walking could enjoy it ? The would use natural materials – could take a photo to share but the “work” there for others to enjoy ( thinking Andy Goldsworthy )
Use a news paper to build a tower to hold an egg – given a set number of resources to do it eg a newspaper , 5 paper clips , 1m sellotape
Highest tower wins
Hi, baking gets a thumbs up from our cub and scout. Scavenger hunt is always a hit too!
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