If you find yourself in need of help or support or you feel unsafe, have concerns about yourself or another, this page may contain links to sites which might help. You can try talking to someone you trust, you could let family or a friend know what’s going on, they may be able to offer support and help keep you safe. If you can’t do that or you want to reach out to organisations which can help you there are three sections below containing links where you may find some support.
- Support during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Useful phone numbers and websites
- Mental Health and Wellbeing: Looking for more information?
Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating circumstances which most of us may never have encountered before, these pages provide tips and links to other sites which you may find useful.
- Mental wellbeing while staying at home: NHS page containing practical tips on mental wellbeing while staying at home
- Mental health and self-care for young people: NHS page containing videos with tips on how young people can support themselves and links to sites offering more support
- Coronavirus and your wellbeing: Mind (mental Health charity), page containing tips on how to help support yourself during the pandemic
If you are concerned about our policies and procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic please see this section of our website or contact us.
Useful Phone Numbers and Websites

Childline is there to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support you. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night.

If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact the NSPCC’s professional counsellors 24/7 for help, advice and support.
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Looking for more information?
Thanks to Leeds Beckett University Carnegie School of Education for these links.
Organisation | Website | Description |
‘Heads Together’ | https://www.headstogether.org.uk | Heads Together is a mental health initiative spearheaded by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, which combines a campaign to tackle stigma and change the conversation on mental health with fundraising for a series of innovative new mental health services. |
Young Minds | https://youngminds.org.uk | Young Minds reflects the voice of young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. It offers a range of publications by and for young people on various aspects of mental health and runs training courses for teachers and support staff. It also has a helpline for parents. |
Mind | https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/a-z-mental-health/ | Mind are a mental health charity. They claim to, ‘provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. The link will take you to ‘The A to Z of mental health’ with concise, well written information on a range of issues and printable pdf documents |
NHS Tyne and Weir | https://web.ntw.nhs.uk/selfhelp/ | This NHS Trust has taken a leading role in mental health support services and materials nationally. Free self-help leaflets on a wide range of issues |
CWMT – Students against depression | https://www.studentsagainstdepression.org/about-us/charlie-waller-memorial-trust/ | Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking. Alongside clinically-validated information and resources it presents the experiences, strategies and advice of students themselves – after all, who better to speak to their peers about how depression can be overcome. |
Bloom resource library | https://mentalhealth-uk.org/partnerships/bloom-resource-library/bloom-resources/ | These have a number of videos and worksheets that can be shown to 14-19 year old’s and discussions can happen from these. Minds Ahead supported with providing some of the content for these and therefore can verify the content is appropriate and helpful. |
MindEd is suitable for all adults working with, or caring for, infants, children or teenagers | https://www.minded.org.uk | MindEd provides free educational resources on children and young people’s mental health for adults. It has a specific section which offers advice and provides a host of useful links for families concerned about a young person’s mental health. It also provides online training at different levels for professionals. All their information is quality assured by experts. They aim to give adults: (i) the knowledge to support the wellbeing of young people in their care; (ii) the understanding to identify a child at risk; (iii) the confidence to act on their concern and, if needed, signpost to services that can help. |
Time to Change | https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/what-are-mental-health-problems/mental-health-help-you/other-useful-organisations | List of charities and organisations to support with mental health and has activities and resources to but they are ‘school based’ |
Rethink Mental Illness | https://www.rethink.org/news-and-stories/blogs/2020/03/managing-your-mental-health-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/ | This website contains clear information about all different types of mental illness and tips for adults and older teenagers about managing their mental health during COVID. |
HM Government Green Paper (Dec 17) ‘Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision’ | https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/664855/Transforming_children_and_young_people_s_mental_health_provision.pdf | Interesting ‘evidence-based’ information about things like the prevalence of mental health and the existing support for young people |
Bloom – parent/carer resources for having discussion with young people around mental health | https://mentalhealth-uk.org/partnerships/bloom-resource-library/ | If you scroll halfway down this page you will see a few PDFs to support parents and carers to have those discussions with their children |
Samaritans | https://www.samaritans.org/ | If you are looking for facts and information about suicide here is the place to find it. They also have a page for adults about how to take care of your own mental health during COVID – https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/if-youre-having-difficult-time/if-youre-worried-about-your-mental-health-during-coronavirus-outbreak/ |