To provide the best Scouting we can for our young people, all adult volunteers must complete the all modules of the adult training scheme which are relevant for their role. Each volunteer is assigned to a Training Adviser (TA) who will help to build a Personal Learning Plan, and guide you through the learning and validation process. If you are unsure of who your Training Adviser is, check the table below. Tina coordinates training for the Group, so any issues or questions a TA cannot answer please contact her using the form below.
Night of the Week Section Meets | Training Adviser |
Monday | Alan Furby |
Tuesday | Rachel Furby |
Wednesday | Alan Furby |
Thursday | Tina Brill |
Friday | Jude Eason |
For a full list of which training modules need to be completed for each role, please click here to visit The Scouts website.
Getting Started
Volunteers are required to complete Getting Started modules within the first 5 months of starting the role. This comprises modules one, two, three (or four if in a management role) plus GDPR, Safety & Safeguarding. Executive Committee members must also complete the Trustee Induction. Learning and validation for these modules is accessed online. You just need to share your completion certificates with your TA or GSL so they can to update COMPASS to reflect that you have completed the learning
All Getting started modules are accessed from the Scout web site here.
In addition to the Getting Started modules leaders, assistant leaders and manager roles are required to complete other modules within 3 years of their appointment. Completion is rewarded with a Wood Badge. Learning resources for the other modules can be found here.
Adult Training Scheme
Once the getting started modules have been completed, assistant leader, section leader and manager roles need to complete modules relevant to their role (this needs to be competed within three years of role start):
Training for all appointments | Scouts
Section Leader training | Scouts
Managers and Supporters training | Scouts
Ongoing Learning
As part of your role you will be required to participate in ongoing learning. As a minimum Safety, Safeguarding and First Response need to be renewed every three years (These modules form the mandatory ongoing learning topics). There are also several supplementary training modules and webinars available to extend your skills, and enable you to move onto other roles. See the links below:
Ongoing training for all | Scouts
Supplementary Modules | Scouts
First Response (1st Aid)
First is divided into two parts.10A and 10B, 10A can be completed online, 10B needs to be completed face-to-face. This applies to the ongoing learning and the first time the training is done. First aid training will be delivered over approximately six hours.
Validation of Each Module
You should talk with your TA to review which modules you need to complete (this will complete your personal learning plan (PLP), modules 2). The , PLP defines which modules you can validate with your TA and which modules will require learning (online course, e-learning, workbook or in person course) before being validated. Guidance on the adult training scheme can all be found on The Scouts website.
Knowing what you need to do to validate each module is important. This information can be found in the training adviser’s guides: