The Group is part of The Scout Association in the UK and as such is governed by their Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR). In addition the Group has more detailed governance documents and policies in certain areas and they can all be found below:
Policies (last update):
- Alcohol & Drugs Policy (24-04-2023)
- Anti-Bullying Policy (17-07-2023)
- Cancellation Policy (14-10-2024)
- Complaints Policy (08-01-2024)
- Conflict of Interest Policy (24-04-2023)
- Data Privacy Notice (09-01-2023)
- Expenditure and Expenses Policy (24-04-2023)
- Inclusion Policy (15-07-2024)
- Knife Policy (15-07-2024)
- Lone Working Policy (15-07-2024)
- Member Support Fund (27-01-2025)
- Waiting List Policy (14-10-2024)
- Working at Height Policy & Guidance (18-07-2022)
Governance Documents (last update):
- Constitution (13-07-2024)
- Group Development Plan (01-07-2020)
- Group Active Support Service Agreement (17-10-2023)
- District Explorer Unit Partnership Agreement (20-10-2023)
Documents Available on Request (last update):
- Charity Commission Good Governance Checklist (14-10-2024)
- Group Risk Register (14-10-2024)
- Group Risk Register- Disaster Plan (14-10-2024)
- Internal Finance Checklist (14-10-2024)
- Safe Scouting Premises Audit (14-10-2024)
- Group Meeting Protocols (14-10-2024)
Group Policies
Governance Documents
Periodically the Group Executive Committee reviews (and updates if necessary) all the policies, most are reviewed annually, some bi-annually, others every five years. This ensures that the policies are still relevant and that they are updated in line with any changes in POR.