UPDATE 25th February 2022: The Group has moved to a green readiness level. All activities can resume as normal. Residential activities and international travel may also take place. There is no limit on group sizes, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID and, if this is not possible, they must not take place. Members should not attend meetings if they test positive or have COVID symptoms, this includes cold symptoms.
UPDATE 25th January 2022: Nationally The NYA and The Scouts are moving towards a green readiness level, but with local cases so high, particularly in local schools The Group has taken the decision to remain at a yellow readiness level. Face coverings are required to be worn by all Scouts and Explorers as well as all adults when indoors or when working in poorly ventilated areas. Some meetings may be moved online or outside or cancelled altogether depending on specific case numbers.

Readiness Level: GREEN
UPDATE 2nd December 2021: Nationally The Scouts are moving to a Yellow Readiness level. This means that face coverings are now required nationally when indoors, in poorly ventilated areas and working closely together, This is inline with guidance from the Government and National Youth Agency. There is no impact to members of the Group as this change was already made on the 30th November.
UPDATE 30th November 2021: Effective immediately Beavers and Cubs are returning to indoor meetings. Face coverings are to be worn by everyone over 11 years old when indoors, working closely together or in a poorly ventilated area. Sanitising of surfaces and equipment and use of hand sanitiser before and after using equipment and at the beginning and end of meetings continues to apply.
UPDATE 18th November 2021: Effective Immediately, dues to very high cases in local primary schools, Beavers and Cubs will not be meeting indoors between now and the 29th November. Beavers and Cubs meetings will either be outdoors, online or cancelled, Section leaders will let you know as soon as possible what will be happening at your meetings. Scouts and Explorer Scouts are unaffected by this and can continue to meet indoors wearing face coverings.
UPDATE 18th October 2021: Effective immediately, we are reintroducing the wearing of face coverings at all indoor meetings, and when travelling in minibuses. This applies to all adult volunteers (unless actively leading the meeting), all Scouts and all Explorer Scouts, unless medically exempt. Beavers and Cubs do not need to wear a face covering unless they wish to.
UPDATE 6th September 2021: The Scouts in England are moving to a green readiness level. The National Youth Agency (NYA) and The Scouts have confirmed that this effectively removes all national restrictions imposed to control the transmission of COVID-19, Local risk assessments will determine each Group’s controls and We are actively reviewing this. Initially most of our meetings will remain outdoors which reduces transmission and enables us to evaluate how the relaxing of restrictions and the return of schools impacts local case numbers.
UPDATE 26th August 2021: Starting 00:00 on the 19th July COVID-19 restrictions in England were relaxed, as a result we will be moving to a yellow readiness level. The National Youth Agency (NYA) and The Scouts have confirmed that face-to-face meetings (indoors and outdoors), Residential Activities and other events are permitted and that there are no limits on the number of young people that can meet at one time.
UPDATE 23rd March 2021: Starting 00:00 on Monday the 29th March we will be moving to an amber status. The National Youth Agency (NYA) and The Scouts have confirmed that face-to-face meetings will be permitted and that there are no limits on the number of young people that can meet
UPDATE 4th January 2021: Starting 00:00 on Tuesday 5th January the third national lockdown begins. The National Youth Agency (NYA) and The Scouts have confirmed that face-to-face meetings will not be permitted and we will be moving to a 100% online programme
On the 25th June 2020 The Scouts released guidance on how a return to face-to-face Scouting could be managed as lockdown measures are eased. In this respect the following principles guide the actions of The Group during this COVID-19 pandemic:
- To keep young people and adult volunteers safe
- To deliver high quality programme activities, while complying with the law of the land and the policy of The Scouts
- To be inclusive and accessible to all current and future members in line with the values of The Scouts and equality legislation
- Returning to face-to-face Scouting is voluntary and no member will be forced to return and an online programme will continue
- Reasonable adjustments will be made to provide a programme of activities for those members (or members with family members) who are shielding.
The approach to a return to face-to-face activities is based upon the law of the land, guidance and policy as set out by The Scouts and the National Youth Agency (NYA), the government body responsible for youth organisations. Dringhouses Scouts is required to follow the COVID Code which is a a checklist of key control measures:
The COVID Code
- A COVID-safe risk assessment has been completed and we have communicated control measures to volunteers, young people and parents and all are encouraged to raise concerns
- Additional hygiene measures are in place
- Social Distancing will be observed where possible (current distance is determined by the Government)
- Group sizes are not restricted, but Groups will not be permitted to mix and members of each group will be consistent each week (where possible)
- Make adjustments for young people and adults vulnerable or affected by COVID, and consult to make sure return plans are accessible and inclusive
The Group will be adopting a phased approach to returning to face-to-face Scout meetings and activities. This process is in line with government-approved Youth Sector Guidance and is broken down into four readiness levels which are set by The Scouts nationally for each country and region. The matrix below shows the activities which are permitted at each readiness level (yellow highlights indicating the 3rd September changes:

For each readiness level a risk assessment will be created by the Group, this assessment must be approved by the Group Executive Committee and the District Commissioner or their representative(s). As the readiness level changes a new risk assessment will be required, should the readiness level revert back to the previous level The Group will revert to previous practices and risk assessment. The risk assessment will be continuously reviewed. The current readiness level can be found on The Scouts website and at the top of this page.
Please see our updates page for details of what has changed as this part of the website is regularly updated. Documents can be viewed below and they are approved their status will change
- Action Plan and Revised Procedures
- COVID-Safe Risk Assessment
- Behaviour expectations for young people
- Actions/ next steps for parents, carers and our youth members
- What to do if…. (a checklist for parents on whether their child can attend meetings)