Dringhouses Scouts is divided into five sections according to age, Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Please find details about each section below and at the bottom of the page a form so that you can contact us about your child joining. You can also use the form to contact us if you have any questions.
Status of Each Section
We currently have spaces as follows:
- Squirrels: Monday and Friday are full until September and Tuesdays is full until after May half term and all have a waiting list.
- Beavers: All nights are full for at least a year.
- Cubs: Fridays is full for a year and a half, but we have some spaces in both Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Scouts: There is space on Tuesday but Thursday. Friday is full.
- Explorers: We are near full and accepting only Scouts in the area and siblings, otherwise we can add you to a waiting list or refer you to another local Explorer Unit.
Please see our waiting list policy to understand how places are allocated to those that wish to join
Overview of Each Section

Ages 4 and 5
17:00 – 17:45
We have three Squirrels Dreys meeting during school term times as above.
Stories, games and learning through doing are very much the name of the game for Squirrels
Each night is very popular, please contact us to see if we have any space.

Ages 6 to 8
18:15 to 19:15
We have three Beavers colonies meeting during school term time as above . Each night is very popular, please contact us to see if we have any space.
Could you make a robot or go hunting for bugs? It’s no problem for our Beaver Scouts! Our Beavers take part in a wide range of activities and events each week and always have fun learning new #SkillsForLife!
Children from all over York join our Beavers and they join us because they have heard great things from their friends about all the activities that our Beaver Scouts get up to every week.

Ages 8 to 10½
18:00 to 19:30
We have three Cub Scout packs, they broadly follow the same programme of activities. Each night is very popular, please contact us to see if we have any space.
Do you want to walk on the moon? or build sandcastles in December? Well you can with our Cub Scouts! We get up to all kinds of things like this every week and our Cubs also join in events that have been organised by the York Ebor Scout District and North Yorkshire County teams.
We welcome all boys and girls to join our Cubs and we are about 90 strong at the moment.

Ages 10½ to 14
19:30 to 21:15
At Dringhouses Scouts we have more than 70 Scouts who meet every week during school term time. There are three sessions each week, as above.
As well as their activities with us, our Scouts also join in with York Ebor Scouts and North Yorkshire Scout events and activities, meeting and making lots of new friends and learning lots of new #SkillsForLife.

Ages 14 to 17
19:40 to 21:30
Explorers meet every week in and their activities focus on fun and adventure as well as #SkillsForLife.
Explorer Scouts also have the opportunity to volunteer to help with the younger age groups. Volunteering as a Young Leader can count towards the Service element of The Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award scheme.
Contact us
Contact us to find out if there is space for your child to join us on the night you wish. If your child is under six years old you can also contact us to add them to the joining list and we’ll contact you once they’re old enough.