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Big Butterfly Count

Butterfly Conservation: Big Butterfly Count

The Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey aimed at helping Butterfly Conservation assess the health of our environment simply by counting the amount and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths) we see.

Butterflies are beautiful creatures to be around but they are also extremely important: they are vital parts of the ecosystem as both pollinators and components of the food chain. However, they are under threat. Numbers of butterflies and moths in the UK have decreased significantly since the 1970s.

Butterfly declines are also an early warning for other wildlife losses. Butterflies are key biodiversity indicators for scientists as they react very quickly to changes in their environment. Therefore, if their numbers are falling, then nature is in trouble. So tracking numbers of butterflies is crucial in the fight to conserve our natural world. To help identify the size of the butterfly population Butterfly Conservation are running a national butterfly count between Friday 16 July and Sunday 8 August

All you have to do is download the ID chart or free mobile app. Choose a place to spot butterflies and moths. Watch for 15 minutes. Then record which species you see, add your count to the website.

Want to join in? Visit the website to get started: Big Butterfly Count (

Holly Blue Butterfly

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