This summer some of our Explorers went on an exciting week long summer camp to Northern Ireland

The first couple of days were spent travelling to Northern Ireland and their campsite
The first day included a look around Liverpool and an overnight at 1st West Kirby Scouts HQ, (many thanks to them for letting us stay there)

Setting up the camp site was as efficient as always giving time to explore the local area afterwards and play some crazy golf

Belfast Bingo was a hit as was hiking in Mourne Mountains (visiting NI tallest mountain) and a trip to the zoo was included too. Some more adventurous activities included caving, archery, climbing and having a go on the zip line.

The Northern Ireland scenery was amazing and great to explore
Of course no camp would be complete without a BBQ. popcorn popped on open fires, camp fire songs, and s’mores.

Explorer Scout Lily said her highlight was “spending time at the zoo and cooking with her team“
And the Explorers were joined by their new mascot, Elmer
You can follow Elmer’s antics on their Instagram page
Explorer Scout Sammy said “I loved taking photos with Elmer and the hike was amazing if very tiring“,

Sad to be going home, the Explorers found ways to amuse themselves on the ferry and some of the leaders carried out a mandatory hat inspection (always important to make sure you have a hat that works when outdoors!)

A very successful and fun summer camp for our Explorers and leaders, well done to everyone!

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