Please find below a list of frequently asked questions, this list will be added to as more questions are asked.
Will the building be cleaned thoroughly before and after each group meeting?
The building will be cleaned after each days use. We are looking at buying some equipment which will allow us to disinfect the hall after use each day. If there is more than one group meeting on one day we will clean toilets, touch points and equipment between the meetings and then fully disinfect the hall the following morning. Currently only outdoor meetings are planned. Parents will be notified if this changes
I have concerns in respect of mixing school bubbles. Even where this is in small groups, as children will be from different schools, year groups, etc. who are being restricted to not mixing classes when schools return and having measures such as staggering start times and playtimes. Therefore, mixing children from different schools/ bubbles at Scouts would conflict with this? How will bubbles be complied to when siblings are in different sections and many of the members go to different schools?
We are following the guidance from the Scout Association, The National Youth Agency and the Government regarding the running of groups such as ours. This guidance is different to how schools are run as we do not fall under the remit of the Department for Education. We therefore don’t have the bubble system. The guidance we follow uses the limited size groups, not bubbles.
We will use common sense when creating these limited size groups and aim to keep people from the same school together where possible and we will keep these groups the same once they have been set to avoid mixing. Groups will have staggered meeting times or different meeting locations to ensure social distancing can be adhered to.
If the weather is bad how will you manage any outdoor meetings?
If the weather is bad and we can’t meet outdoors the meeting can be run virtually via Zoom/ Convene. Late changes due to weather or other factors will be communicated via the parent portal using the contact details maintained there.
Will masks or face coverings be routinely worn?
Current guidance is that masks do not have to be worn by our leaders or members if they are outside and able to maintain 2m social distancing.
If indoors or if unable to maintain 2m social distancing then Scouts and Explorer Scouts are required to wear a face covering. Face coverings and other personal protective equipment (PPE) will be worn by adult volunteers where social distancing is not maintained e.g. during a first aid scenario.
If our members (adult or youth) wish to routinely wear a face covering then that is their choice and is absolutely fine.
Will everyone be wearing masks indoors?
Currently, the guidance is that Scouts, Explorers and Leaders MUST wear a mask indoors (Leaders are not required to wear a face covering if running the meeting) isn’t to wear masks indoors. However, the Group is asking that all Beavers and Cubs wear a face covering if indoors if possible. Leaders are also being provided with visors, which will aid with non-verbal communication and provide some protection for others when the leader is delivering a meeting). We will receive more guidance as the readiness levels and government guidance changes and our processes will be updated accordingly.
What personal cleanliness activities will be carried out at meetings, before during and after?
At the start, during and end of each session all members will wash/sanitise hands. All equipment will be cleaned or if it cannot be cleaned, quarantined for 72hrs after use. HQ will be thoroughly cleaned after each evenings use and before the next evenings meetings.
What is the status of Young Leaders?
Young leaders are welcome to attend meetings as usual and are a vital part of the leadership team. Young leaders who are also Explorer Scouts may attend Explorer meetings as well. Young leaders will only be attached to one section. Parents are required to give consent for the young leader to return to face to face activities.
Will outdoor activities be run in the cold and dark as we move into Winter?
All outdoor activities are risk assessed and this assessment includes weather conditions. As the weather gets colder and the nights close in meetings will be adapted. We have shelters and exterior lights (with more being purchased). Meetings may well be moved online and this may be at short notice. Parents will be kept informed and should raise any concerns with their section leader. It is more likely that older sections will meet outdoors as winter approaches and younger sections move online or indoors.